Mojave Desert Lifestyle

∫   Family lifestyle requires

some adjustments


and a lot of time to spare  ∫

Where do we begin this internet journey into our Family Lifestyle .  There is never enough time in a day and night to get everything done, in 24 hrs with 5-8 spent sleeping in a household of 6 – (all boys) because I don’t count as a girl, I’m Mom –  “Silly Mom for thinking she was a girl”. ^- Decklen Mund

A family of all boys! Everyone knows that makes Dennis the Plumber very happy as a man and as a Father.

I know someone will take offense to this comment and claim I am sexist for saying so.  If the truth is sexist than I would rather be sexist with honesty than frigid with opinion.

Driving in Tundra from Ridgecrest

Road Trip Driving the Tundra to Ridgecres

Birthday Parties Decklen #9

Birthday Parties
Decklen #9

January 2015

Let us get started

Family Journal 2012

In case nobody noticed I am head of a household of 6 people.  They say life is full of ups and downs.  This maybe true but average family life doesn’t really have a down side.

There is always something to look forward to in the near or distant future.  I cant say downers come natural within a family.  We are too busy to let anything get us too down. Besides we are required to be strong for the bumps and bruises, heartbreaks, letdowns, mads, hurts, heartbreaks, and the nightmarish fears.  Kids are such busy bodies we tend to forget just how, busy 1 kid can be.

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